WordPress + Lava + Gerd Tarand

Marianne Mikko: Local Governments Have A Responsibility To Promote Gender Equality

26.11.2024 / SEISUKOHAD /

Kohtla-Järve Has Taken Significant Steps to Reduce the Gender Pay Gap The city of Kohtla-Järve has made significant strides in reducing the gender pay gap, as highlighted in the municipality’s recent activity report. This report emphasizes combating pay inequality as part of Estonia’s international obligations under the United Nations CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of […]

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Cuba Denied Having An Authoritarian Political System At The UN

19.10.2024 / SEISUKOHAD /

During the CEDAW review of Cuba, Estonian expert Marianne Mikko referred to Cuba’s political system as “authoritarian” and to gaps in gender equality in leadership positions. GENEVA (apro).- Cuba categorically denied having an authoritarian political system, in the context of the country’s examination by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). During […]

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Välisministeeriumis arutati naiste õigusi ja olukorda Ukrainas

19.06.2023 / SEISUKOHAD /

19. juunil toimus välisministeeriumis vestlusring „Naiste õigused on inimõigused“, kus kõneles Rootsi suursaadik Eestis Ingrid Tersman, Ukraina suursaadik Eestis Mariana Betsa, naiste diskrimineerimise likvideerimise komitee liige Marianne Mikko ja võrdse kohtlemise volinik Christian Veske. Vestlusringis arutati naiste õigusi ja olukorda Ukrainas.   Välisministeeriumi inimõiguste ja rände erivolitustega diplomaatiline esindaja Minna-Liina Lind ütles, et tänasel rahvusvahelisel konfliktides […]

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